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Mileposters roller skating began in 2009, when the group leader, who homeschool tutors two of the riders, dusted off his skating skills (he holds two bronze medals in speed skating) and taught his students how to skate. After that, more skating sessions began, including several fundraisers. Roller skating is excellent cross-training for bicycling, and helps keep the riders fit during the winter. One of our skaters was so pleased that she went out and bought her own roller blades, and our best skater qualified for the advanced class at Neville Island during the second season. Summer skating began in 2013.

First Mileposters skaters at Romp'N'Roll, November 24, 2009--skating by the end of their second session

Group skating session, December 6, 2009, Romp'N'Roll

McDonald's, after skating lessons at the Neville Roller Drome, January 17, 2010

Eight of twelve skaters on March 20, 2010, for a St. Thomas fundraiser, at Neville Island

Roller skating at Neville Island, December 11, 2010, the final fundraising activity of the season, for PALM (Pittsburgh Area Lutheran Ministries)

At Wendy's after roller skating on Neville Island, January 22, 2011

Roller skating at Neville Roller Drome, February 26, 2011

At Burger King after skating

One of two early spring 2011 fundraising sessions at Neville Roller Drome, raising support for victims of the disasters in Japan
At McDonald's after one session (different groups each time--nine participants besides the group leader)

Adult Organ Skaters assisting Mileposters in a fundraising effort, Romp'N'Roll, December 13, 2011

January 28, 2012, Neville Roller Drome

February 25, 2012

Romp'N'Roll, February 5, 2013

Mileposters skaters at Romp'N'Roll with the 2011 U. S. Women's Figure Skating champion and her daughter, June 18, 2013

Summer skating 2013, Romp'N'Roll

"Booster" roller skating event to support campus ministry at First Trinity Lutheran Church in Pittsburgh, Romp'N'Roll, November 26, 2013

Winter roller skating at Neville Roller Drome, January 5, 2014

Neville Roller Drome, October 16, 2014

The Allegheny Trail Alliance Web site has maps and many links
to information on trails in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Maryland, and West Virginia.

Messages: jornada AT juno DOT com